I'm a landlord what does it mean for me?
The introduction of COVID-19 safety measures has resulted in a number changes that affect landlords:
to limit unnecessary contact, Mangrove Realty has suspended all routine inspections. We are currently looking into options for virtual inspections and a tenant self inspection options
National Cabinet agreed to a moratorium on evictions over the next six months for residential tenancies in financial distress who are unable to meet their commitments due to the impact of coronavirus. ​​
the big banks have announced support including the option for landlords who lose rental incomes to defer their mortgage repayments by up to six months, pending a three-month review. Please check with your bank about options available through them
Mangrove Realty has secured contractors to ensure the repairs and maintenance of your property can continue with strict social distancing criteria
the Federal Government has banned open for inspections. Property viewings will be reduced to appointment only with adherence to strict social distancing and attendee numbers
QCAT has made a number of changes to how it will deal with disputes:
all hearings will be by phone or videoconferencing except in exceptional authorised circumstances
anyone authorised to appear in person must sign a COVID-19 personal statement
all documents to be relied on at hearing must be filed by email
all non-urgent Minor Civil Disputes listed for hearing are adjourned to a date to be fixed. This includes: non-urgent residential tenancy disputes and minor debt disputes